Attendance Makeup

If students have more than 7 absences in a class, they need to make up time before the end of the semester. This includes FFs from previous school years. If the time is not made up before the end of the 1st nine weeks they will receive an FF as a grade on their report card rather than the grade they have earned. 

Students who have not cleared FF’s will be required to attend makeup summer attendance school.  Once their time is made up this grade will transition to their earned grade.

Students who have not cleared FF’s will not be allowed to attend homecoming, prom, and potentially any additional after-school extracurricular activities.

Attendance Makeup costs $5 per hour students need to make up.  The weekday sessions run from 3:15 - 5:15 in Ms. Speer’s room and students must stay the entire hour or two in order to earn the time. 

Attendance Makeup