Attendance Makeup Schedule and Waiver

Attendance Waiver

Attendance Summer School Application


According to School Board Policy, Summer School, to gain attendance credit, will be held as deemed necessary.  Students attending can earn up to 4 class credits. The cost is $50.00 for the first class, $50.00 for the second class, $25.00 for the third class and $25.00 for the fourth class. Anyone requesting a fee reduction must contact Mr. Klinger for approval.  

Students must attend FOUR(4) ½ day sessions or attend TWO(2) FULL days to earn credit for one class. Dates for Attendance Summer School are: 

June 17th - June 20th from 8:00-11:30 and 12:00-3:30 

June 24th - June 27th from 8:00-11:30 and 12:00-3:30.

Students must check in and out each day and their time will be recorded.  When the student has completed the required hours and payment has been made, the grade of “FF” on the report card will be changed to the earned passing grade for the course.

During Attendance Summer School, absences, tardies or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from the program.  No refund or credit will be awarded.

Transportation will not be provided. Students driving should park in a numbered student space in front of the school and enter by the front door. The cafeteria will not be open to serve food, so students must bring a bag lunch.  Ordering out or delivery of meals will not be permitted.  Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch. Drink machines will be available for the purchase of beverages.  Cell phones and other electronic devices will only be allowed during scheduled breaks and lunch.  All other school rules apply.

Attendance Make-up Calendar

Attendance Info for Parents

2024 Spring Tutoring

Board of Education Attendance Policy

Board of Education Attendance Policy - Spanish

Board of Education Attendance Procedures

Board of Education Attendance Procedures - Spanish

The Attendance Waiver Form is available in the Main Office.

Regular school attendance is vital to student academic success. High school attendance is taken in each class period. Under current attendance guidelines, all students in grades 9 - 12 must be absent no more than seven days in each course in order to earn credit for the course.  Student absences for each course are listed in the Parent and Student Portals and are available 24/7 online or in the app.  Students are allowed to miss seven days in a class without penalty. These absences may be excused or unexcused. Students with more than seven absences, whether they be excused or unexcused must make up time for those absences to obtain course credit. 

Students seeking attendance waivers should download the "Attendance Waiver" form. Waivers are granted only when the absence is necessary (hospitalization, surgery, etc) and students must have proper documentation submitted to the waiver committee in order for a request to be considered. Waiver forms are also available in the counseling office. Excused absences are not automatically waived. 

If a student has a grade of "FF" as a final grade in any course, the student academically passed the course, but were absent too often to earn credit. Students have an opportunity to recover absences in Attendance Make Up offered on designated dates during the school year and in the summer.